York R123 User Manual
Page 21

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
Local Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture -
Range Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
This is the range over which an analog (0-20mA or 4-
20mA, 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC) in Analog Remote Mode
or a digital signal (PWM) in Digital remote mode can reset
the Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature setpoint above
the operator programmed Base Setpoint (see be low).
Pro gram ma ble as ei ther 10°F or 20°F, with a de fault
of 20°F, it is added to the Base value to create a range
over which the re mote device can reset the setpoint. For
example, if this setpoint is pro grammed for 10°F and
the operator pro grammed value is 45°F, then the remote
device can set the Leav ing Chilled Liq uid Tem per a ture
setpoint over the range 45.0° - 55.0°F.
Local Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature -
Access Level Re quired: OPERATOR
This value allows the user to deÞ ne the Leav ing Chilled
Liquid Temperature that is to be maintained by the chill er.
It is programmable over the range of 38.0°F to 70.0°F
(water) or 10.0°F to 70.0°F (brine). If Smart Freeze (see
below) is enabled, the range is 36.0°F to 70.0°F (water).
A remote device can provide an analog signal (0-20mA
or 4-20mA, 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC) in An a log Remote
mode or PWM signal in Digital Remote mode that chang-
es the setpoint by creating an offset above the operator
pro grammed Base Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture
setpoint. This offset may be de Þ ned up to 10.0°F or
20.0°F above the Base setpoint (see the Remote Leav ing
Chilled Liquid Temperature Setpoint Range de scrip tion
above). Additionally, a MicroGateway (in ISN Re mote
mode) can deÞ ne the setpoint through a serial data
stream. In this case, the in com ing setpoint is not an
off set that is applied to the locally programmed Base
setpoint value, but rath er is the setpoint value it self.
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cycling
Offset - Shutdown
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
This value allows the user to specify the Leaving Chilled
Liquid Temperature at which the chiller will shut down
PER A TURE cycling shutdown. This is done by de Þ n ing
an offset below the Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture
setpoint. It is programmable over a range of 1°F to 64°F
below the setpoint, to a minimum cutout of 36°F (water),
34°F (water with Smart Freeze enabled) or 6°F (brine). It
establishes the minimum allowable tem per a ture for the
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature and pre vents over-
cooling of the building. Anytime the Leaving Chilled
Liquid Temperature setpoint is in creased, the shut down
threshold is 36.0°F (water) or 6.0°F (brine) for the next
ten (10) minutes. If Smart Freeze (see be low) is enabled,
the threshold is 34.0°F for the next 10 minutes. After
ten (10) minutes have elapsed, the shut down thresh old
becomes the pro grammed setpoint val ue.
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cycling
Offset - Restart
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
This value allows the user to specify the Leaving Chilled
Liquid Temperature at which the chiller will restart
af ter a shutdown on a LEAVING CHILLED LIQ UID
– LOW TEMPERATURE cycling shutdown. This is
done by deÞ ning an offset above the Leaving Chilled
Liquid Temperature setpoint. It is pro gram ma ble over a
range of 0°F to 70°F above the setpoint, to a max i mum
restart value of 80°F. The chiller will au to mat i cal ly re-
start when this temperature is reached. This setpoint can
be used to reduce chiller cycling by de lay ing the chiller
restart until the cooling load has in creased.
Brine Low Evaporator Cutout
Ac cess Level Re quired: SERVICE
This value is only available in Brine mode. It allows
the user to specify the Evaporator Pressure at which a
safe ty shutdown is initiated. Service Technicians refer
to YORK Service Manual 160.55-M1.
Access Level Re quired: SER VICE
This value allows the user to adjust the sen si tiv i ty of the
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature con trol. Service
Tech ni cians refer to YORK Service Manual 160.55-
Smart Freeze (Off / On)
Access Level Re quired: SER VICE
This value is only available if the chiller is not in Brine
mode. It allows the user to enable the Smart Freeze Point
Operation which allows the chiller to run closer to the
freeze point without shutting down. Service Tech ni cians
refer to YORK Service Manual 160.55-M1.
Refrigerant (Enabled / Disabled)
Access Level Re quired: SER VICE
When an Evaporator Refrigerant Sensor has been in stalled
it must be enabled via this toggle before the sys tem will
utilize the new, enhanced resolution input. Ser vice Tech-
ni cians refer to YORK Service Manual 160.55-M1.
Access Level Re quired: VIEW
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.