Guide specifications, Guide specifications – York YCAL0041 User Manual
Page 74

Guide Specifications
1.01 SCOPE
A. The requirements of the General Conditions, Sup-
plementary Conditions, Division 1, and Drawings
apply to all Work herein.
B. Provide Microprocessor controlled, multiple-scroll
compressor, air-cooled, liquid chillers of the sched-
uled capacities as shown and indicated on the
Drawings, including but not limited to:
1. Chiller package
2. Electrical power and control connections
3. Chilled water connections
4. Change of refrigerant oil (for factory mounted
evaporator) or (evaporator shipped separately
for field installation and piping by contractor)
A. Products shall be Designed, Tested, Rated and
Certified in accordance with, and installed in com-
pliance with applicable sections of the following
Standards and Codes:
1. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 – Safety Code for
Mechanical Refrigeration
2. ASHRAE 90.1– Energy Efficiency compli
3. ANSI/NFPA Standard 70 –
National Electrical
Code (N.E.C.).
4. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Sec
tion VIII, Division 1.
5. ARI Standard 550/590 – Positive Displacement
Compressors and Air Cooled Rotary Screw
Water-Chilling Packages.
6. Conform to Intertek Testing Services, formerly
ETL, for construction of chillers and provide
ETL/cETL Listing label.
7. Manufactured in facility registered to ISO
8. OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act
B. Factory Test: Chiller shall be pressure-tested, evac-
uated and fully charged with refrigerant and oil, and
shall be factory operational run tested with water
flowing through the vessel.
C. Chiller manufacturer shall have a factory trained
and supported service organization that is within a
50 mile radius of the site.
D. Warranty: Manufacturer shall Warrant all equipment
and material of its manufacture against defects in
workmanship and material for a period of one year
from date of initial start-up or eighteen (18) months
from date of shipment, whichever occurs first.
A. Unit shall be delivered to job site fully assembled,
and charged with refrigerant and oil by the Manu-
facturer. (Contractor is responsible for providing and
installing the refrigerant charge including the charge
required for the field installed interconnecting piping.
Chiller components shall ship with a dry nitrogen
holding charge – Remote Evaporator option).
B. Unit shall be stored and handled per Manufacturer’s
A. General: Install and commission, as shown on the
schedules and plans, factory assembled, charged,
and tested air cooled scroll compressor chiller(s) as
specified herein. Chiller shall be designed, selected,
and constructed using a refrigerant with Flamma-
bility rating of “1”, as defined by ANSI/ASHRAE
STANDARD - 34 Number Designation and Safety
Classification of Refrigerants. Chiller shall include,
but is not limited to: a complete system with a single
refrigerant circuit 35 tons (123kW) and below, and
not less than two refrigerant circuits above 35 tons
(123kW), scroll compressors, direct expansion
type evaporator, air-cooled condenser, refrigerant,
lubrication system, interconnecting wiring, safety
and operating controls including capacity controller,
control center, motor starting components, and
special features as specified herein or required for
safe, automatic operation.
B. Cabinet: External structural members shall be con-
structed of heavy gauge, galvanized steel coated
with baked on powder paint which, when subject to
ASTM B117, 1000 hour, 5% salt spray test, yields
minimum ASTM 1654 rating of “6”. Add Wire Panels
of heavy gauge, welded wire-mesh, coated to resist
corrosion, to protect condenser coils from incidental
damage and restrict unauthorized access to internal
components. Factory installed.
Compressors: Shall be hermetic, scroll-type, in-
1. Compliant design for axial and radial sealing