Yamaha DM2000 User Manual
Page 277

Setting Preferences
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
is off, the DM2000 always recognizes fader movements. If the SELECT button is on, you can
select channels using the Touch Sense function.
The Sensitivity parameter adjusts touch sensitivity. If you’re having trouble selecting chan-
nels because the fader knobs are insufficiently sensitive, try increasing this value. If they are
too sensitive, try reducing it. It’s important that the DM2000 is grounded properly for
Touch Select to work correctly. See “Grounding screw” on page 50 for more information.
Display Brightness: This preference is used to set the brightness of the fluorescent and
LED displays and indicators.
Date: These parameters are used to set the date and time that is applied to files when they
stored to SmartMedia. Use the Parameter wheel or INC/DEC buttons to set the parameters,
and then press the SET button, or press CANCEL to cancel.
Preferences 3
Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [SETUP] button to locate the Preferences 3 page.
Use the cursor buttons or Parameter wheel to select the preferences, and
use the INC/DEC buttons or [ENTER] button to set them.
Mix Update Confirmation: When this preference is on, a confirmation message asking
if you want to update the current Automix with the latest edits appears when Automix
recording is stopped.
Auto EQ Edit In: When this preference is on, EQ is automatically punched into Automix
recording when an EQ control is adjusted.
Copy Initial Fader: When this preference is on, when Fader events are copied or moved
on the Automix Event Copy page, the fader value at the specified IN point is copied to the
specified TO point. This eliminates fader position matching problems when no fader event
exists at the specified TO point.
Auto Inc TC Capture: When this preference is on, the Timecode Capture memory is
incremented automatically each time a timecode address is captured on the Automix Event
Edit page (see page 209).
Link Capture & Locate Memory: When this preference is on, the eight Capture mem-
ories on the Automix Event Edit page are linked to the eight Locate memories so that, for
example, edits made to Capture memory #1 are reflected on Locate memory #1, and vice
Clear Edit Channel after REC: When this preference is on, when using Auto Rec,
channels are automatically unarmed (i.e., [AUTO] buttons are turned off) when Automix
recording stops. When this preference is off, channels remain armed when recording stops.
Timecode Display Relative: When this preference is on, the indicated timecode is off-
set as specified by the OFFSET parameter on the Automix Main page.