Soloing channels – Yamaha DM2000 User Manual
Page 142

Chapter 12—Common Channel Functions
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
The Delay parameters for the Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Matrix Sends, and the Stereo Out
appear on the Output Delay page.
Use the cursor buttons to select the Delay parameters, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, and [ENTER] button to set them.
Input and Output Channels can also be selected by using the LAYER and [SEL] buttons.
DELAY SCALE: These buttons determine the units of the delay value shown below the
msec value. Units can be set to meters, feet, samples, beats, or timecode frames.
GANG: When this option is turned on, the delay time for paired channels can be set simul-
taneously. Ganging is relative, so any delay time difference between the two channels is
maintained when this is turned on.
ON/OFF: These buttons turn the individual Delay functions on and off. The [ENTER]
button can be used to turn a Delay on and off regardless of which parameter is selected.
msec: This sets the delay time in milliseconds. The delay time can also be set by using the
parameter below, which is the delay time in the units selected by the DELAY SCALE but-
tons. You can copy the currently selected Input or Output Channel delay setting to all Input
or Output Channels respectively by double-clicking the [ENTER] button.
MIX: This parameter, available only on the Input Channel Delay pages, sets the mix of dry
and wet signals.
FB.GAIN: This parameter, available only on the Input Channel Delay pages, sets the
amount of feedback.
Soloing Channels
Input Channels, Bus Outs, Aux Sends, and Matrix Sends can be soloed as follows.
Use the LAYER buttons to select the Input Channel Layers if you want to solo
Input Channels, or select the Master Layer if you want to solo Output Chan-
Input and Output Channels cannot be soloed simultaneously. Soled Input Channels will be
unsoled when an Output Channel is soloed, and vice versa.
Use the [SOLO] buttons to solo the channels on the selected Layer.
The [SOLO] button indicators of channels that are soloed light up.
The SOLO indicator in the MONITOR section flashes when the Solo function
is active. You can unsolo all soloed channels by pressing the SOLO [CLEAR]
button. You can adjust the level contrast between the soloed channels and the
currently selected Control Room Monitor source by adjusting the SOLO
CONTRAST control.