Yamaha DM2000 User Manual
Page 136

Chapter 12—Common Channel Functions
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Insert Pages
Inserts can be configured on the Insert page. If the Auto PHASE/INSERT Display preference
is on, this page appears automatically when you press the SELECTED CHANNEL
PHASE/INSERT [INSERT ON] button, turning on the button indicator. See “Auto
PHASE/INSERT Display” on page 274.
Use the SELECTED CHANNEL PHASE/INSERT [DISPLAY] button to select the
Insert page.
The Insert page for the Input Channels is shown on the left; the Insert page for the Bus Outs,
Aux Sends, and the Stereo out, on the right.
The Insert page for the Matrix Sends is shown below.
Use the LAYER buttons to select Layers, and use the [SEL] buttons to select
Use the cursor buttons to select the parameters, and use the Parameter
wheel, INC/DEC buttons, and [ENTER] button to set them.
POSITION: This determines the position of the Insert and Compressor within the chan-
nel, and can be set to pre-EQ, pre-fader, or post-fader. Click the desired [COMP] and
[INSERT] buttons in the POSITION block diagram to select the Compressor and Insert
INSERT ON/OFF: This turns the currently selected channel’s Insert on and off. It works
in unison with the SELECTED CHANNEL PHASE/INSERT [INSERT ON] button.
INSERT OUT: This selects the destination for the Insert Out, which can be a Slot Output,
Omni Out, 2TR Digital Output, or the input to an internal effects processor. See page 286
and page 290 for Input and Output patch parameter lists. The Port ID of the currently
selected destination is displayed below the currently selected channel’s Long name in the
upper-right corner of the page. The destination port can also be selected by using the Patch