Osd operation, Continued), Oobc – Tripp Lite B064-032-04-IPG User Manual

Page 44

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OSD Operation




Enable Fixed Number
Dial Back

When the Enable Fixed Number Dial Back checkbox is checked, the KVM will hang up on the modem when there is an
incoming call, and dial back to the modem represented by the phone number mentioned in the Phone Number field.

Enable Flexible Dial

When the Enable Flexible Dial Back checkbox is checked, the KVM can dial back to any modem specified by the user
connecting to the KVM. Simply enter a password into the Password field, and when a user connects to the KVM, they
will be prompted to enter a username and password. They should enter the phone number of the modem that they want
to dial back to as the username, and use the password that is set in the Password field as the password.

In case the B064-Series KVM switch cannot be accessed via the
LAN, it can be accessed via the switch’s modem port. To enable
support for PPP (modem) operation, check the Enable Out of Band

checkbox. When checked, Enable Dial Back and Enable Dial


functions become available.



ISP Settings

Enter in the Phone Number, Account Name and Password that you use to connect to your ISP here.

Dial Out Schedule

This section allows you to determine what times your KVM switch will dial out over your ISP connection.
Every – Check this option to choose between the 5 options in the drop-down menu; Never, every Hour, every 2

Hours, every 3 Hours or every 4 Hours.

Daily at – Check this option to enter in a time that the KVM will dial out over your ISP every day. Use the hh:mm

format to specify the desired time.

PPP Online Time – Enter in the amount of time you want a ISP connection to last before it is terminated. A setting of

0 means that the ISP connection will not automatically disconnect itself.

Emergency Dial Out

In the event that the KVM gets disconnected from the network, or the network goes down, this feature will automatically
connect via the ISP dial up connection.
PPP Stays Online Until Network Recovery – When this option is checked, the ISP connection will remain active until

the network connection is reestablished.

PPP Online Time – When this option is checked, the ISP connection will remain active for the amount of time you set

here. A setting of 0 means that the ISP connection will not automatically disconnect itself.

Dial Out Mail

This section allows you to set up email notifications of system events via a SMTP server. These notifications will be sent over
the ISP network connection, as opposed to the notifications that are set up in the Network page (see Network section under
Device Management in OSD Operation for details), which go out over the standard network.
SMTP Server IP Address – Enter the IPv4 address, IPv6 address or domain name of you SMTP server here.
SMTP Server Requires Secure Connection (SSL) – Check this checkbox if your server requires a secure SSL connection.
SMTP Server Requires Authentication – Check this checkbox if your server requires authentication. When checked, the

Account Name and Password fields are activated. Enter in the Account Name and Password for your SMTP server.

• In the From field, key in the email address that you want the report to show up as being sent from.

Note: Only one email

address is allowed in the From field, and it cannot exceed 64 Bytes. 1 Byte is equal to 1 English alphanumeric character.

• In the To field, key in the email address(es) you want the report to be sent to.

Note: If you are entering more than one

address, separate them with a semicolon. The size of all email addresses cannot combine to more than 256 Bytes. 1 Byte
is equal to 1 English alphanumeric character.

When you are done making all of your changes, click the Save button.

Enable Dial Out
To use the dial out feature, you must establish an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and use a modem to dial out to your ISP
account. Check the Enable Dial Out checkbox to enable this feature. The settings found in this section are described in the table below.


Enable Dial Back
If the Enable Dial Back checkbox is checked, the switch will disconnect calls that dial into it, and dial back to one of the entries specified in the table below.