Oki ES3640E User Manual

Page 99

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3-99 Searching for jobs

ES3640e MFP EFI Job Management Guide - 99

You can search for jobs in the Active Jobs window and in the
Printed Jobs, Archive, FreeForm, and Job Log panels of the Jobs

4. Click the General tab, and specify parameters for the search.


To clear all fields in the Find dialog box at any time, click

New Search (Command WorkStation) or New Find (Command
WorkStation LE).

You can specify any or all of the following general search
parameters. Available search parameters vary, depending on the
areas selected for the search.

Job title

Enter the file name of the job.


Enter the name of the user who sent the job.

Notes 1


Notes 2

Enter text that appears in the Notes fields of

the job.


Enter text that appears in the Instructions field of

the job.


Specify the archive drive volume you want to search.

This option is available only when you are searching for archived

Date created*

To search through all jobs, regardless of their

creation date, select All. To restrict your search to jobs created on
a certain date or range of dates, select Range. Use the From and
To menus to specify start and end dates.

5. Click Search (Command WorkStation) or Find (Command

WorkStation LE) to find jobs that meet the specified search

The Search Results window (Command WorkStation) or Find
dialog box (Command WorkStation LE) lists found jobs.
In Command WorkStation, you can customize the appearance of
the Search Results window in the same manner as the Active Jobs
and Jobs windows. For example, you can display jobs on all
connected Fiery servers or on a selected Fiery (see

page 2-38


and you can customize the job ticket information (see

page 3-72
