Syntax, Options, (exports database contents to ldif) – Red Hat 8.1 User Manual
Page 222: For information on the equivalent perl script, see, Ldif)

Syntax [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } -n backendInstance [ -t
attributeName(:indextypes(:mathingrules)) ] [ -T vlvAttributeName ]
The script creates an entry in the directory that launches this dynamic task. The entry is
generated based upon the values provided for each option.
Table 7.21. Options
-D rootdn
Gives the user DN with root permissions, such
as Directory Manager.
-j filename
The name of the file containing the password.
-n backendInstance
Gives the instance to be indexed. If the instance
is not specified, the script reindexes all instances.
-t attributeName{:indextypes(:mathingrules)}
Gives the name of the attribute to be indexed. If
omitted, all the indexes defined for the specified
instance are generated. Optionally, this can
include the index type (eq, pres, sub, approx)
and a matching rule OID.
-T vlvAttributeName
Gives the names of the VLV attributes to be
reindexed. The name is the VLV index object's
common name in cn=config.
Verbose mode.
-w password
Gives the password associated with the user DN.
-w -
Prompts for the password associated with the
user DN.
7.4 .5. (Exports Database Contents to LDIF)
Exports the contents of the database to LDIF. This script creates an entry in the directory that launches
this dynamic task. The entry is generated based upon the values provided for each option. Ellipses
indicate that multiple occurrences are allowed.
Syntax [ -v ] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } { -n backendInstance | -s
includeSuffix ... } [ -x excludeSuffix ... ] [ -a outputFile ] [ -N ] [ -r ] [ -C ] [ -u ] [ -U ] [ -m ] [ -E ] [ -1
] [ M ]
To run this script, the server must be running, and either the -n or -s option is required.
Chapter 7. Command-Line Scripts