Table 6.21. sasl options, Examples, Note – Red Hat 8.1 User Manual
Page 202: Example 6.3. user changing his own password
Table 6.21. SASL Options
Specifies SASL options. The format is -o
saslOption=value. saslOption can have one of six
mech, the SASL authentication mechanism
authid, the user who is binding to the server
(Kerberos principal)
authzid, a proxy authorization (ignored by the
server since proxy authorization is not
secProp, the security properties
realm, the Kerberos realm
The expected values depend on the supported
mechanism. The -o can be used multiple times to
pass all of the required SASL information for the
mechanism. For example:
-o "mech=DIGEST-MD5" -o
"authzid=test_user" -o
for ldapsearch for information on how to use SASL options with ldappasswd.
The following examples provide show how to perform various tasks using the ldappasswd command.
Example 6.1. Directory Manager Changing a User's Password Over SSL
The Directory Manager changes the password of the user
uid=tuser1,ou=People,dc=exam ple,dc=com to new_password over SSL.
ldappasswd -Z -h myhost -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/cert8.db -D
"cn=Directory Manager" -w admpassword -s new_password
Example 6.2. Directory Manager Generating a User's Password
The Directory Manager generates the password of the user
uid=tuser2,ou=People,dc=exam ple,dc=com over SSL.
ldappasswd -Z -h myhost -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/cert8.db -D
"cn=Directory Manager" -w admpassword "uid=tuser2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
For more information on newly-generated passwords, see the "Managing the Password Policy"
section of the Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Example 6.3. User Changing His Own Password
A user, tuser3, changes the password from old_newpassword to new_password over SSL.
ldappasswd -Z -h myhost -P /etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/cert8.db -D
-w old_password -a old_password -s new_password
Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities