Dnamagicregen, Dnamaxvalue, Dnanextrange – Red Hat 8.1 User Manual
Page 149: Note
Valid Range
Any valid LDAP filter
Default Value
dnaFilter: (objectclass=person)
3.7.2. dnaMagicRegen
This attribute sets a user-defined value that instructs the plug-in to assign a new value for the entry.
The magic value can be used to assign new unique numbers to existing entries or to use as a standard
setting when adding new entries.
The magic entry should be outside of the defined range for the server so that it cannot accidentally be
triggered. This attribute also does not have to a number, which can make it easier to assign.
Entry DN
cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range
Any string
Default Value
dnaMagicRegen: magic
3.7.3. dnaMaxValue
This attribute sets the maximum value that can be assigned for the range. The default is -1, which is the
same as setting the highest 64-bit integer.
Entry DN
cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range
1 to the maximum 32-bit integer on 32-bit systems
and to the maximum 64-bit integer on 64-bit
systems; -1 is unlimited
Default Value
dnaMaxValue: 1000
3.7.4 . dnaNextRange
This attribute defines the next range to use when the current range is exhausted. This value is
automatically set when range is transferred between servers, but it can also be manually set to add a
range to a server if range requests are not used.
The dnaNextRange attribute should be set explicitly only if a separate, specific range has to be
assigned to other servers. Any range set in the dnaNextRange attribute must be unique from the
available range for the other servers to avoid duplication. If there is no request from the other servers
and the server where dnaNextRange is set explicitly has reached its set dnaMaxValue, the next set of
values (part of the dnaNextRange) is allocated from this deck.
The dnaNextRange allocation is also limited by the dnaThreshold attribute that is set in the DNA
configuration. Any range allocated to another server for dnaNextRange cannot violate the threshold for
the server, even if the range is available on the deck of dnaNextRange.
If the dnaNextRange attribute is handled internally if it is not set explicitly. When it is handled
automatically, the dnaMaxValue attribute serves as upper limit for the next range.
The attribute sets the range in the format lower_range-upper_range.
Entry DN
cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,
cn=plugins, cn=config
Valid Range
1 to the maximum 32-bit integer on 32-bit systems
and to the maximum 64-bit integer on 64-bit
systems for the lower and upper ranges
Default Value
Red Hat Directory Server 8.1 Configuration and Command Reference
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