Database plug-in attributes, Figure 3.1. database plug-in, Nslookthroughlimit – Red Hat 8.1 User Manual
Page 120: Nsslapd-idlistscanlimit, Section 3.4.1, “database attributes under, Cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
Entry DN
cn=referential integrity postoperation, cn=plugins,
Valid Values
Class of Service
Default Value
nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named: Views
nsslapd-pluginId: roles
3.4. Database Plug-in Attributes
The database plug-in is also organized in an information tree, as shown in
Figure 3.1, “Database Plug-
Figure 3.1. Database Plug-in
All plug-in technology used by the database instances is stored in the cn=ldbm database plug-in
node. This section presents the additional attribute information for each of the nodes in bold in the
cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config information tree.
3.4 .1. Database Attributes under cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
This section covers global configuration attributes common to all instances are stored in the
cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config tree node.
3.4 .1.1. nsLookThroughLimit
This performance-related attribute specifies the maximum number of entries that the Directory Server will
check when examining candidate entries in response to a search request. The Directory Manager DN,
however, is, by default, unlimited and overrides any other settings specified here. It is worth noting that
binder-based resource limits work for this limit, which means that if a value for the operational attribute
nsLookThroughLimit is present in the entry as which a user binds, the default limit will be overridden.
Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-bit signed integer returns an
LDAP_UNWILLING_T O_PERFORM error message with additional error information explaining the
Entry DN
cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins,
Valid Range
-1 to maximum 32-bit integer in entries (where -1
is unlimited)
Default Value
nsLookThroughLimit: 5000
3.4 .1.2. nsslapd-idlistscanlimit
This performance-related attribute, present by default, specifies the number of entry IDs that are
searched during a search operation. Attempting to set a value that is not a number or is too big for a 32-
bit signed integer returns an LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM error message, with additional error
information explaining the problem.
It is advisable to keep the default value to improve search performance. For a more detailed explanation
of the effect of ID lists on search performance, refer to the "Managing Indexes" chapter in the Directory
Server Administrator's Guide.
The server has to be restarted for changes to this attribute to go into effect.
Entry DN
cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins,
Chapter 3. Plug-in Implemented Server Functionality Reference