Change sequence number, Abandon message, Message id – Red Hat 8.1 User Manual

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An extended operation OID, such as EXT oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3" or EXT
oid="2.16.84 0.1.113730.3.5.5"

Example 5.1, “Example Access Log”

, provides the OID of the

extended operation being performed.

Table 5.2, “LDAPv3 Extended Operations Supported by Directory


provides a partial list of LDAPv3 extended operations and their OIDs supported in Directory


Table 5.2. LDAPv3 Extended Operations Supported by Directory Server

Extended Operation Name



Directory Server Start
Replication Request

Sent by a replication initiator to
indicate that a replication
session is requested.


Directory Server Replication

Sent by a replication responder
in response to a Start
Replication Request Extended
Operation or an End Replication
Request Extended Operation.


Directory Server End Replication

Sent to indicate that a replication
session is to be terminated.


Directory Server Replication
Entry Request

Carries an entry, along with its
state information (csn and
UniqueIdentifier) and is
used to perform a replica


Directory Server Bulk Import

Sent by the client to request a
bulk import together with the
suffix being imported to and
sent by the server to indicate
that the bulk import may begin.


Directory Server Bulk Import

Sent by the client to signal the
end of a bulk import and sent by
the server to acknowledge it.


Change Sequence Number

The change sequence number, in this case csn=3b4c8cfb000000030000, is the replication change
sequence number, indicating that replication is enabled on this particular naming context.

Abandon Message

The abandon message indicates that an operation has been aborted.

[21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 op=2 ABANDON targetop=1 msgid=2 nentries=0

nentries=0 indicates the number of entries sent before the operation was aborted, etim e=0 value
indicates how much time (in seconds) had elapsed, and targetop=1 corresponds to an operation
value from a previously initiated operation (that appears earlier in the access log).

There are two possible log ABANDON messages, depending on whether the message ID succeeds in
locating which operation was to be aborted. If the message ID succeeds in locating the operation (the
targetop) then the log will read as above. However, if the message ID does not succeed in locating the
operation or if the operation had already finished prior to the ABANDON request being sent, then the log
will read as follows:

[21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 op=2 ABANDON targetop=NOTFOUND msgid=2

targetop=NOT FOUND indicates the operation to be aborted was either an unknown operation or
already complete.

Message ID

The message ID, in this case msgid=2, is the LDAP operation identifier, as generated by the LDAP SDK
client. The message ID may have a different value than the operation number but identifies the same
operation. The message ID is used with an ABANDON operation and tells the user which client operation
is being abandoned.

[21/Apr/2009:11:39:52 -0700] conn=12 op=2 ABANDON targetop=NOTFOUND msgid=2

Red Hat Directory Server 8.1 Configuration and Command Reference