Speed: advanced - edit, Settings: alarm – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


Speed: Advanced - Edit

When you s ta rt a na vi ga tion, or when you plan a route, the trip to the des tina tion is
cal culated, based on the generi c speed value for each type of road. When the route is
cal culated, you can see the es tima ted tra vel time and the es tima ted time of a rri val.

When you cal cula te a trip and then change the generi c speed values , you will ha ve a new
es tima ted tra vel time and a new esti ma ted time of a rri val .

Manually increase or decrease the current s peed value for ea ch type of road used by
ROUTE 66 Mobile 8.

Scroll the lis t of options and select a type of road. Open the corresponding submenu.

Note: If the entered value exceeds the ma ximum value, OK is hidden a nd you ca nnot sa ve
the entered value.

Settings: Alarm