Nearby – results – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


 a round curs or posi tion – sea rches all loca tions tha t a re a round the current cursor

position and whi ch match the selected ca tegory.

 a round depa rture –searches all loca tions tha t a re a round the route depa rture and

whi ch ma tch the selected category.

Notes :

Covera ge for along the route - The resul ts a re physi cally loca ted on an a rea of 20 km along
the road (10 km on the left side a nd 10 km on the right side).

Covera ge for the other options - The resul ts a re physi cally l oca ted on an a rea of 10 km
radius a round the reference loca tion (destina tion, GPS positi on, screen center, cursor
position, depa rture).

Nearby – Results

All resul ts tha t ma tch the Nearby search cri teria a re displa yed in the next view.