Activate maps, Traffic information, Activate traffic service – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


Activate Maps

Depending on the product you bought, and the country or region of purchase, at leas t one
ma p is already a vailable and a cti va ted on your devi ce.


You need a valid credi t ca rd and a functional GPRS connection in order to obtain a n
a cti va tion key.

Please note that a cti va ting a map is a purchasable extra servi ce provided by ROUTE 66.

Traffic Information

This is a purchasable extra servi ce provided by ROUTE 66.

During na viga tion, you can come a cross traffi c incidents along your route. A traffi c incident
is a road work, an a ccident or simpl y a tra ffi c ja m. These inci dents ca n influence or even
rui n your holida y plans.

However, i f you know in a dvance that a n incident is ahead on the route, you can probabl y
a voi d i t and choose an al terna ti ve route.

You can know in advance about the next road incidents if you subs cribe to the Tra ffi c
informa tion servi ce. This servi ce moni tors and collects the la tes t tra ffi c condi tions, and
sends them to your devi ce. Thus, your devi ce a voids the road incidents and fi nds
al terna ti ve routes .

Activate Traffic Service

In order to use the traffi c servi ce for a pa rti cula r country or region, fi rs t you must a cti va te
(s ubs cribe to) this servi ce. Subs cribing means obtaining a li cense of use for a tra ffi c i nfo
pa ckage and for a speci fied period of time.

Note: You need a valid credi t ca rd and a functional GPRS connection i n order to subscri be
to a traffi c info pa ckage.