Safety cameras – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual
Page 52

ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
Ma jor ci ty and region
Da te and time when incident was reported
Des cription of road segment
Type of incident
Expected dura tion of incident.
Dri vi ng sugges tions (detours ) if possible
– cl i ck this button to manuall y recei ve new traffi c informa tion. In the popup
menu select:
around GPS position – upda te the traffi c informa tion content covering an a rea of
20 km radius a round your current GPS position.
to entire map – upda te the traffi c informa tion content covering the enti re map.
Note: Upda ting can be also done automati call y. Go to Settings > Extras > Traffic interval
and set the frequency of automa ti cally recei vi ng new tra ffi c informa tion.
Note: You can combine the Tra ffi c information wi th the Define road block option.
Safety Cameras
This is a purchasable extra servi ce provided by ROUTE 66.
During na vi gation, you will dri ve through road sections with di fferent speed limi ts or other
tra ffi c control methods (speed ca meras, tra ffi c lights , etc.). If you know in adva nce whi ch
a re those sections and whi ch a re the tra ffic rules that appl y, you can a void tra ffic problems
and speed ti ckets .
You can know in advance about the next speed limi ts if you subscri be to the Safety
Ca meras servi ce. This servi ce moni tors and collects the lates t traffi c control sections, and
sends them to your devi ce. Thus , your devi ce will wa rn you in ti me.