Display camera info, Download cameras, Activate cameras pack – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


Display Camera Info.

Before purchasing a servi ce, check the pri ce, descri ption and validity period.

In the Shop ca talog, loca te the pa ckage you need. Select Options > Show information.

Download Cameras

After you found the servi ce you need, sta rt downloading the safety ca mera servi ce.

In the Shop ca talog, loca te the pa ckage you need. Select Options > Download.

Note: The downloading time can va ry, depending on the pa cka ge size and the network
condi tions .

Activate Cameras Pack.

Now the servi ce is downloaded. It’s ti me to acti va te the servi ce.

Sta rt the a cti va tion of the Sa fety Ca meras servi ce.

Product pri ce is displayed.

Provide credi t ca rd informa tion.

The credi t ca rd informa tion is processed (veri fied). When completed, the a cti vated pa cka ge
is trans ferred to the Available list of safety cameras pa cka ges.

Notes :

The purchase procedure is identi cal for all Extras servi ces . Refer to Activate maps section
for full details about provi ding the credit ca rd informa tion.

A li cense of use is onl y granted for, and compatible wi th, the country or region i t was
li censed for. You cannot use the same license for several di fferent countries.