Add city (custom city), Add city (gps position) – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual
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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
Add City (Custom City)
Manually enter the details of the ci ty (name, lati tude, longi tude).
Open the editor.
Enter the na me, the la ti tude, and the longi tude. All fields a re manda tory.
Sa ve the details. The new ci ty is added to the lis t of fa vouri te ci ties.
Note: All fields a re manda tory. Please provide valid data .
Add City (GPS Position)
The details of your current GPS position (na me, coordinates ) a re automa ti cally prefilled.
Open the editor.
View the prefilled details. Opti onall y, modi fy any value. All fields a re mandatory.
Sa ve the details. The new ci ty is added to the lis t of fa vouri te ci ties.