Disclaimer – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual
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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
This servi ce is provided by ROUTE 66 and Bibi t Global Pa yments Servi ces . For any questi ons
please conta ct
. By purchasing you a ccept the TERMS OF USE & PRIVACY
. To the ma ximum extent permi tted by a ppli cable la w,
ROUTE 66, i ts subsidiaries and licensors hereby disclaim all liability a rising out of any use of
this product, servi ces and i ts contents .
By using the ROUTE 66 servi ces, you a ccept the TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SERVICES,
. To the ma ximum extent permi tted by applicable law, ROUTE 66,
i ts subsidia ries and li censors hereby dis claim all liability a rising out of any use of this
product, servi ces and i ts contents .
NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: Di gital ca rtography can be ina ccura te and incomplete to some
extent. The a vailability and a ccura cy of GPS and rela ted servi ces a re dependent, among
other things , on wi reless networks and satellite s ys tems. They ma y not functi on in all a reas
or a t all times . Therefore never rel y solel y on the aforementioned ma terial and servi ces e.g.
for essential communica tions like emergencies . This product and i ts contents a re made for
non-commercial pri va te use onl y. This product should not be used by the dri ver of a motor
vehi cle while dri ving. Alwa ys keep your hands free to opera te a vehi cle while dri ving. Obey
all local laws . Your fi rs t considera tion while dri vi ng should be road safety. To the ma xi mum
extent permi tted by appli cable law, ROUTE 66, i ts s ubsidiaries and li censors hereby
dis claim all liability a rising out of any use of this product and its contents.