Download voices, Activate voices, Change current voice – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


Download Voices

In the Shop ca talog, loca te the voi ce you need. Select Options > Download.

Note: The downloading time can va ry, depending on the si ze of the voi ce file and the
network conditions.

Activate Voices

The voice is al ready downloaded.

Sta rt the voi ce a cti va tion.

Product pri ce is displayed.

Provide credi t ca rd informa tion.

The credi t ca rd informa tion is processed (verified). When completed, the a cti va ted voi ce is
trans ferred to the Available list of voi ces .

Note: The purchase procedure is identi cal for all Extra servi ces . Refer to Activate maps
section for full details about provi ding the credit ca rd informa tion.

Change Current Voice

You can easily cha nge the voice used for the dri vi ng ins tructi ons .

Scroll the lis t of a vailable voices .

Hi ghlight the new voi ce.

You can also change the voi ce language in Settings > General > Voice language.

See also Settings > General > Map language i f you want to cha nge the language of the ma p