Add waypoint, Open a trip – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


Add Waypoint

A tri p consists of a depa rture loca tion, a des tina tion loca tion, and an unlimi ted number of
wa ypoints (i ntermediary s tages along the route) you intend to rea ch during your
na vi ga tion.

Use the sea rching mode to find and add the loca tions you need for your trips .

Sea rch a da tabase and find the loca tion you need.

Add loca tion to tri p.

Open a Trip

After a trip was defined (depa rture, des tina tion, wa ypoints), you can do the following
opera tions :

 s ta rt na viga tion.