Weather, Activate weather service – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual
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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
during map browsing, you can check in adva nce whi ch a re the traffi c control devi ces
or s peed limi t road segments . Thus, you can plan your tri ps by choosing the fas test
route or by a voiding unpleasant events along the route.
This is a purchasable extra servi ce provided by ROUTE 66.
ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 allows you to recei ve the la test weather forecasts on your devi ce.
Thus , you a re informed in advance of the wea ther condi tions along your route.
The wea ther forecas ts a re ga thered by specialized wea ther-moni tori ng centers . You ca n
recei ve the la test weather forecasts from our wea ther server.
The wea ther forecas ts ca n cover any major or minor loca tion on the current map.
Note: To use the wea ther servi ce, fi rst you mus t subscri be to this servi ce. You need a valid
credit ca rd and a functional GPRS connection in order to subs cribe to this servi ce.
You can:
a cti va te a nd configure the wea ther servi ce for a certain time span;
build a list of your fa vouri te ci ties ;
check the wea ther forecas t for your fa vouri te ci ties .
This is your personal lis t, so you can add or delete any ci ty.
All ci ties displa yed in this lis t mus t belong to the current map.
If the lis t is empty, i t means tha t you didn’t add any loca tion.
Scroll the lis t of fa vouri te ci ties.
View the details of a ci ty.
Add other ci ties.
Activate Weather Service
In order to use the wea ther servi ce, fi rs t you must a cti va te (subs cribe to) this servi ce.
Subs cribing means obtaining a license of use for a specified peri od of ti me.
Note: You need a valid credi t ca rd and a functional GPRS connection i n order to subscri be
to a wea ther pa ckage.