Avoid toll roads, Avoid ferries, Automatic zooming – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


Avoid Toll Roads

Enable or disable the Avoid toll roads option.

Depending on this configura tion, toll roads will be excluded or not from the calculated
route. Thus, for the same depa rture and des tination loca tions , al terna ti ve routes will be
a vailable.

In the list of na vi gation settings , highlight Avoid toll roads.

Press the s croll key i n order to toggle from On to Off.

On – excludes toll roads from your route.


– does not exclude toll roads from your route.

Avoid Ferries

Enable or disable the Avoid ferries option.

Depending on this configura ti on, ferries will be excluded or not from the cal culated route.
Thus , for the same depa rture and destina tion loca tions , alterna ti ve routes will be a vailable.

In the list of na vi gation settings , highlight Avoid ferries.

Press the s croll key i n order to toggle from On to Off.

On – excludes ferries from your route.


– does not exclude ferries from your route.

Automatic Zooming

Enable or disable the automa ti c zooming opti on.

The beha viour of the zoom level can be controlled automa ti cally. Set the Settings >
Navigation > Automatic zooming
value to On; during na vi ga tion, when you approa ch a
s treet junction or intersection, the na viga tion s creen will zoom in to s treet level (rega rdless
of the current zoom level); after you cross the s treet junction, the zoom level will be
es tablished to the ini tial level .

In the list of na vi gation settings , highlight Automatic zooming.

Press the s croll key i n order to toggle from On to Off.

On - if you want to automati call y enla rge the map (zoom in) and see more details of

the road when approa ching street junctions .