Route information – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual
Page 35

ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
Route Information
During na viga tion, you can view s tatis ti cal informa tion about your current tri p and about
your overall na vi gati on.
Travel dist. – distance you covered during your current na viga tion (compa red to the
val ue)
Travel time – ti me you spent during your current na vi gati on (compa red to the Total
Avg. speed
– a vera ge speed of your pers onal ca r or lorry.
Max. speed
– ma ximum speed of your personal ca r or l orry.
– overall distance covered by your personal ca r or lorry, wi th or without
na vi ga tion.
Total time – overall time s pent by your pers onal ca r or lorry, wi th or without
na vi ga tion.
Start – there is no informa tion about the current tri p or a bout the overall tra veling
(zero for all counters ). It s ta rts ga thering s tatis ti cal da ta .