Activate weather pack, Use weather service – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


Activate Weather Pack.

Sta rt the a cti va tion of the wea ther servi ce.

Product pri ce is displayed.

Provide credi t ca rd informa tion.

The credi t ca rd informa tion is processed (veri fied). When completed, the a cti vated pa cka ge
is trans ferred to the Available list of wea ther pa ckages .

Notes :

The purchase procedure is identi cal for all Extras servi ces . Refer to Activate maps section
for full details about provi ding the credit ca rd informa tion.

A li cense of use is onl y granted for, and compatible wi th, the country or region i t was
li censed for. You cannot use the same license for several di fferent countries.

Use Weather Service

After you a cti va ted the weather servi ce, the next steps a re:

 open the list of wea ther pa cka ges ;

 open a weather pa cka ge;

 add your fa vouri te ci ties ;

 upda te the forecast for your fa vouri te ci ties;

 check the va rious wea ther reports a vailable for ea ch ci ty.