What is trip planning, Plan new route – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual


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What is Trip Planning?

Depending on the complexi ty of a route, and the frequency of using this route, you ca n
s ta rt na viga ting:

 by simpl y indi ca ting your destina tion a nd, i f necessa ry, a wa ypoint along the route.

This is a much faster wa y of s ta rting na vi gating, but the loca tions a re los t once you

rea ch your des tina tion.

 by planning all l ocations tha t mus t be included i n the route. The ma jor advanta ges

a re:

 you can add as many l oca tions as you need.

 you can change the order of ea ch loca tion in the tri p sequence.

 you can see the enti re route displayed on the map.

 you can pla y a trip demons tra tion on your devi ce, before the a ctual na viga tion.

 you can save the trip for future na vi ga tions .

 you can send the route details to other users .

 you can call the selected wa ypoint (if phone number is a vailable).

Plan New Route

In this view you add the loca tions tha t represent a new trip.

You can s ta rt planning your trip from any section of the applica tion, as follows :