Contacts editor, Voice instructions – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual
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ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
Contacts Editor
You can view or modify the details of a conta ct.
Voice Instructions
During na vi gation, for ea ch cha nge of di rection (“turn”), ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 provides both
a visual ins truction and a voice ins tructi on.
Generall y, a voice ins tructi on is hea rd twice:
fi rs t in advance (the wa rning dis tance is approx. 300 meters or ya rds before the
a ctual change of di rection);
secondl y, when the turn must be done (the wa rning dis tance is approx. 50 meters
or ya rds before the a ctual change of di rection).
The wa rning dis tance di ffers from case to case. ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 ta kes into a ccount the
type of turn and the current na vi ga tion speed, a nd es tima tes the dri ver’s reacti on ti me.
When you dri ve in the ci ty, the speed is lower so the wa rning distance is s hort; when you
dri ve on the motorwa y, the speed is higher so the wa rning distance increases .
During na vi ga tion and for sa fety reasons , we recommend you to keep the s ound s wi tched
on and listen to the voi ce i nstructions ! This wa y, you can concentra te on the roa d a head of
you and a void any unpleasant dri ving si tua tions !
To configure the sound intensity of the voi ce ins tructi ons , refer to Settings > General >
Volume a nd Settings > Navigation > Call handling.