Weather: graph – ROUTE 66 SYMBIAN S60 V3 User Manual
Page 67

ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
Weather: Graph
This is a graphi cal representa tion of the a verage wea ther condi tions for the next 5 da ys for
a pa rti cula r ci ty.
Select Options > View > Graph.
Ea ch column contains the following informa tion:
Overall wea ther s tatus for ea ch da y (image)
Da y’s a vera ge tempera ture for ea ch da y (red graph)
Night’s a vera ge tempera ture for ea ch da y (blue gra ph)
Weekda y <3 cha ra cters >
Da te <2 digi ts >
– cl i ck this button to manually recei ve new wea ther forecas ts for all ci ties in the
Note: Upda ting can be also done automa ti call y. Go to Settings > Extras > Weather and set
the frequency of automati call y recei ving new forecas ts.