Control and parts functions – Polaris Offroad Vehicle User Manual

Page 55

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Engine Cooling System
Coolant Level

The recovery bottle, located on the

left side of the machine, must be

maintained between the minimum

and maximum levels indicated on the

recovery bottle.
The engine coolant level is controlled

or maintained by the recovery sys-

tem. The recovery system compo-

nents are the recovery bottle, radia-

tor filler neck, radiator pressure cap

and connecting hose.
As coolant operating temperature in-

creases, the expanding (heated) ex-

cess coolant is forced out of the ra-

diator past the pressure cap and into

the recovery bottle. As engine cool-

ant temperature decreases the con-

tracting (cooled) coolant is drawn

back up from the tank past the pres-

sure cap and into the radiator.

NOTE: Some coolant level drop on

new machines is normal as the sys-

tem is purging itself of trapped air.

Observe coolant levels and maintain

as recommended by adding coolant

to the recovery bottle. Polaris recom-

mends the use of Polaris Premium

60/40 anti-freeze/coolant or a 50/50

mixture of high quality aluminum

compatible anti-freeze/coolant and

distilled water. NOTE: Polaris Pre-

mium 60/40 is already premixed and

ready to use. Do not dilute with water.

NOTE: Always follow the manufac-

turer’s mixing recommendations for

the freeze protection required in your


To access the recovery bottle on Gen

IV machines it is necessary to re-

move the left side panel as described

on page 94.

Recovery Bottle


Recovery Bottle

Gen II



Gen IV