Polaris Offroad Vehicle User Manual

Page 123

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Carburetor/Engine Idle RPM Adjustment

4-cycle Engines

If the engine idle speed is not satis-

factory, and all other conditions are

favorable, the carburetor can be ad-

justed as follows:
1. Warm up the engine by running

the vehicle approximately five


2. Place the transmission in gear

with the parking brake applied.

3. Adjust the carburetor idle screw in

or out until the desired idle RPM is

reached. Turning the screw in

(clockwise) will raise RPM. Turn-

ing the screw out (counterclock-

wise) will lower RPM.

Throttle Cable Free Play


Throttle cable free play is adjusted at

the handlebar.
1. Slide the protective cover back.
2. Loosen jam nut.
3. Turn adjuster until 1/16″ free play

is achieved.

4. Tighten jam nut and replace pro-

tective cover.

Idle Screw

Cable Adjuster

Jam Nut
