Polaris Offroad Vehicle User Manual

Page 116

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Rear and Auxiliary Mechanical Brake

Rear Brake

The rear brake is a hydraulic disc

type brake which is activated by the

same lever which activates the front

brake system. The rear brake sys-

tem is self adjusting and requires no

maintenance other than periodic

checks of the pads for wear.

Wear Line


Pads should be changed when

worn to 3/64″ (.1 cm) which is

about the thickness of a dime.


Inspect the brake disc spline and pad wear surface for excessive wear.

Auxiliary Mechanical Brake System

The auxiliary brake system is intended to be used as a backup for the hydraulic

service brake system. Should the hydraulic system fail, the rear brake can be acti-

vated by depressing the foot pedal on the inside of the right floorboard.
NOTE: Since this is a rear brake only, it will not be as effective as the all wheel sys-


Auxiliary Brake Adjustment (Mechanical)

The auxiliary brake should be checked for proper adjustment.
1. Support the rear wheels off the ground.
2. While turning the rear wheels by hand, apply the auxiliary foot brake. This

brake should not stop the wheels from turning until the lever is half way be-

tween its rest position and bottoming on the footrest.

Auxiliary Foot Brake Pedal

Floorboard Surface

Full Height


(1/2 Height)

Full Engagement


3/64″ (.1 cm)