Philips Pronto TS1000 User Manual
Page 4

What are macros? How are they different from regular commands?
What would a macro for a system on/off button look like?
How can I get the Pronto to "hold" a button for several seconds in a macro?
How can I enter multiple digits on a single button, say for a favorite channel icon?
Can I use more than one page jump in a macro?
Can I have delays shorter than 0.1 seconds?
Can I change the default delay time from 0.1 seconds?
Why aren't the commands I assigned to each device being sent when I use my custom Home
Why are some of my macro commands not being received?
How can I handle switching Video Inputs?
Custom Bitmaps
Where would I use bitmap files?
How can I create my own bitmaps?
Can I use transparent or animated bitmaps?
Why are my bitmaps/icons truncated?
How can I create a really large gallery file?
How can I best create color graphics for the ProntoPro?
How do I convert color CCF graphics to black and white?
Is it possible to change system−level bitmaps, such as the device bar and Home icon
Memory Optimization
How can I optimize memory usage?
What are aliases and how are they used?
General ProntoEdit & RC5000 Setup Tips
What exactly does the "CCF Optimizer" utility do?
Other Functions
What is mouse mode for?
Why do my custom beeps not make any sound?
How do I use and activate timers?
Why won't my timers change to a new page?
Can I password protect pages?
On Marantz remotes, how can I use the page memory feature?
Can I use the built−in database codes with my own custom files?
Problem Diagnosis
Why do my RF codes not work?
What happens if I get a "Configuration is xx% too big to fit in Pronto" error message?
Why does the emulator complain that it "Can't open configuration file"?
Why does the alias list show strange symbols? (Plus other FONT troubleshooting.)
Why does ProntoEdit not install correctly or give strange errors right after installation
when I try to run it?
Why does ProntoEdit crash when learning IR codes in Windows XP, 2000 or NT?
I'm getting an error with MFC42.DLL. What can I do?
In ProntoEdit v2.0, why can't I edit hex codes?
Why can't I change IR code labels?
I'm getting a "none or invalid pronto.ini file" error message.
RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ