B2−01, B2−02, Unofficial philips pronto & marantz rc5000 faq – Philips Pronto TS1000 User Manual
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Unofficial Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 FAQ
Section B2: Working With ProntoEdit:
Software & Firmware
B2−01 What are the current software versions?
Current PC software versions as of April 17, 2004:
US Pronto TS−1000: ProntoEdit v4.0.5
US Pronto TSU2000: ProntoEdit v4.0.5
US ProntoPro TSU6000: ProntoEdit v4.0.5
European Pronto RU890: ProntoEdit v4.0.5
European Pronto RU940: ProntoEdit v4.0.5
European Pronto RU970: ProntoEdit v4.0.5
Marantz RC5000/RC5000i: Touch Screen Setup v2.0.4
Marantz RC5200/9200: Touch Screen Setup v2.0.4
Onkyo CHAD USR−5RF: CHAD Edit v1.0.0
Yamaha RAV−2000: RAVedit v1.0.0
B2−02 What are the current firmware versions?
Hold down the icon of the Pronto/RC5000 on your remote for three seconds to get to the Setup menu.
Screen number three contains the version numbers of the firmware contained on your particular remote.
Current firmware versions as of July 1, 2004:
US Pronto TS−1000: App v4.85 / Sys v3.62
US Pronto TSU2000: APP v5.3 / Sys v4.8
US ProntoPro TSU6000: APP v1.4 / Sys v1.4
European Pronto RU890: App v4.85 / Sys v3.62
European Pronto RU940: App v4.86 / Sys v4.8
European Pronto RU970: App v1.4 / Sys v1.4
Marantz RC5000: App v5.2 / Sys v4.92
Marantz RC5000i: App v5.1 / Sys v4.91
Marantz RC5200: App v1.4.1 / Sys v1.3.2
Marantz RC9200: App v1.2.2 / Sys v1.3.1
Onkyo CHAD USR−5RF: App v1.2 / Sys v1.2
Yamaha RAV−2000: App v1.0 / Sys v1.0
All remotes use their own firmware update files. You cannot load the firmware from one remote to
another. Be sure when updating that you select the correct model.
Always check what version of firmware your remote has and compare it to what the PC offers before
attempting to upgrade. Very often remotes direct from the factory will have a newer firmware version
than is available to download.
RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ