Philips Pronto TS1000 User Manual
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Can I use the Pronto with Sony *G (or VisionTouch) receivers?
Can the Pronto work with RF equipment?
Can the Pronto work with IRDA equipment (ie. Pace cable boxes)?
How can I control my X−10 system?
Using The Remote
Why does the backlight stay on as long as the LCD does, even though it's only set for half
the time?
I've got a TSU2000. Why does my TV keep turning off?
Why is the REVERT button grayed out?
I hear there's a hidden game on the remote?
In the Macro Menu, why does the left hard button read "OPEN"? Can I change this?
Why doesn't the backlight come on when I set the arrow all the way to the left, as described
in the manual?
Why do my Device and Macro Menu buttons not work?
What happened to my Mode button?
What happened to the Macro Menu's REC command?
Batteries & Docking Station
Should I buy the docking station for my remote?
Why does the remote appear to behave erratically when battery power is still 50%?
How often should I recharge the remote?
Why does my rechargeable battery read only half full even when I know it's full?
Why is my desktop charger's light blinking?
I already have a docking station, can I buy another rechargeable battery?
My ProntoPro's docking station is dead. Help!
Diagnosis and Repair
My remote is dead! What can I try to fix it?
My remote is rebooting all the time... help!
What can I do if the remote will not power up and I hear 4 beeps?
How do I connect to the remote with Hyperterminal?
What can I do if my buttons stop working?
I've broken the LCD screen and it's out of warranty. Can I replace it?
Why does the screen's contrast keep changing?
Can I buy spare parts for the Pronto?
What's that buzzing sound I can hear?
What else can I do to troubleshoot random problems?
General Description
Briefly, what does the software allow me to do?
Is there editing software available other than ProntoEdit?
Where can I download the software?
Can I take screen captures of my file?
How can I change the program that opens CCF files?
I'm getting an "Invalid Configuration File Version", "File is not a valid configuration" or
"CCF file is invalid or corrupt" message. What can I do?
Can I use Pronto NG .PCF files? How about .ICF and .NCF files?
Software & Firmware
What are the current software versions?
What are the current firmware versions?
RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ