B1−01, B1−02, B1−03 – Philips Pronto TS1000 User Manual

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Unofficial Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 FAQ

Section B1: Working With ProntoEdit:

General Description

B1−01 Briefly, what does the software allow me to do?

Philips ProntoEdit, Marantz Touch Screen Setup, CHAD Edit and RAVedit are software packages that
allow users to design layouts, program macros or timers, insert customized bitmaps, archive, merge
and share files, or learn IR codes. Unlike the design options available on the base remote, the PC
software allows you to create almost anything you want −− your imagination is the limit.

B1−02 Is there editing software available other than ProntoEdit?

Yes, Stewart Allen has developed a Java−based editing package named Tonto. Tonto works with all
Pronto remote models and will run on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. To download Tonto or learn
more, visit


B1−03 Where can I download the software?

All three software packages along with many additional utilities and configurations are available on
Remote Central in the

file area


However, if you are unable to download from there, you can download ProntoEdit from

, Touch Screen Setup from

, CHAD Edit from

, or RAVedit from


B1−04 Can I take screen captures of my file?

Yes! While in the Emulator, press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard. A file of what was
showing on the Pronto's display will be saved to c:\prontoscreens, as pronto0.bmp. Each time you
press "Print Screen" the filename will increment, however if you restart the Emulator it will again start
over at "0". The standard Windows practice of copying your entire desktop − Emulator graphics and
all − to the clipboard will also apply.

B1−05 How can I change the program that opens CCF files?

This applies to anyone who works with multiple CCF−handling programs. The last software version
you installed will always open CCF files when double−clicked on. To change this behavior, simply
re−install the program you would rather have open CCF files. Note that there is no way to associate
one program with a specific remote's CCF files, so if you open files designed with one remote in mind
into another remote's package, you may receive a 'corrupt file' error message.

B1−06 I'm getting an "Invalid Configuration File Version", "File is not a valid configuration" or
"CCF file is invalid or corrupt" message. What can I do?

If you are encountering the second or third error message listed above in the ProntoEdit, Marantz

RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ