Configuring t1/e1 application mode, Configuring t1/e1 los threshold, Configuring t1/e1 encapsulation – Patton electronic ONSITE 2800 User Manual

Page 62: Create a channel-group

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T1/E1 port configuration task list


OnSite 2800 Series User Manual

5 • T1/E1 port configuration

Configuring T1/E1 application mode

The T1/E1 port can be configured to work in either short-haul or in long-haul mode. Short-haul is the default
application and should be used for transmission distances up to 180m/600ft. For transmission distances up to
1800m/6000ft, select the long-haul application.

Mode: port e1t1

Configuring T1/E1 LOS threshold

This command takes effect only if the T1/E1 port is configured for long-haul applications. It specifies the sen-
sitivity for Loss Of Signal threshold. A signal suffers more attenuation over long distances than over short dis-
tances. Therefore the LOS-Threshold must be set higher for longer transmission distances. This command has
a default value of -46dB what should be enough for distances up to 1600 m/5250 ft.

Mode: port e1t1

Configuring T1/E1 encapsulation

Only ‘hdlc’ encapsulation is available on a T1/E1 port. Once encapsulation is configured as ‘hdlc,’ the ‘hdlc’
submode can be entered for selecting the next encapsulation type like ppp or framerelay. Depending on the
port-type, the encapsulation ‘hdlc’ selects automatically all timeslots of the port for data transmission (1-31 for
e1 and 1-24 for t1).

It is also possible to use the port in channelized mode. In “channelized” mode, the user selects less than the
total number of timeslots for the channel (1-31 for E1, 1 – 24 for T1) is able to configure single or multiple
timeslots for data transmission. To use this feature the encapsulation must be configured for ‘channelized;’
afterwards the channel-group command is used to create the channel-group. In the channel-group configura-
tion mode, the user selects the specific timeslots, and the encapsulation ‘hdlc’ will be available again. Once the
encapsulation of a T1/E1 port is set to ‘channelized’ it is not possible to change the port-type again or to use
the ‘unframed’ framing format.

Mode: port e1t1

Create a Channel-Group

If the desired encapsulated channel uses only selected time slots (not the entire T1/E1), then it is necessary to
set up a channel-group. To create a channel-group, set the T1/E1 port’s encapsulation to channelized. (See sec-





[name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]#application
{long-haul | short-haul}

Specifies the e1/t1 application mode
Default: short-haul





[ name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]#los-thresh-
old {-4dB | -6dB | -8dB … -46dB | -

Specifies Loss Of Signal Threshold
Default: -46dB





[name] (prt-e1t1)[slot/port]#[no] encapsu-
lation {channelized | hdlc}

Specifies the encapsulation type of the T1/E1 port.
Default: no encapsulation