Printronix P3000 Series User Manual
Page 266

P3000 Series Multinational User’s Reference Manual
PAPER ADV Switch, 2–7
Skip–Over, 6–62
Skip–Over Cancel, 6–63
PI Line, 7–2, 7–3
PI–3287, 2–7
Optional Switches, 2–7
10 cpi, 6–17
12 cpi, 6–18
Selection, 6–57
Selection (MVP), 6–59
Plotting the Data, 4–9
Data Byte Dot Patterns, 4–11
Data Byte Format, 4–7
Data Line Format, 4–8
Density, 4–5
Even Dot, 6–54
Exit, 4–12
Odd Dot, 6–55
Odd Dot Pattern Plan, 4–9
Odd Dot Sample, 4–10
P–Series, 4–5, 6–54, 6–55
Rate, 1–5
Truncated Character Line, 4–12
Plotting the Data, 4–9
PMODE, 6–57
Requirements, 10–1
Switch, 2–3
Preliminary Test, 10–8
PREV Switch, 2–7
Primary Character Set Select, 6–39
Bold, 6–13
Bold Reset, 6–14
Condensed, 6–28
Condensed Reset, 6–29
Double High (1 line), 6–33
Double Wide, 6–36
Elongated, 6–33
Emphasized, 6–34
Emphasized Reset, 6–35
Expanded, 6–36
Mode, 2–8, 2–17
Mode/Pitch Selection, 6–57
Mode/Pitch Selection (MVP), 6–59
Rate, 1–4, C–1
Superscript/Subscript, 6–64
Superscript/Subscript Reset, 6–65
Deselect, 6–61
Dimensions, C–2
Reset, 2–18, 6–56
Select, 6–60
Self–Tests, 8–3
Specifications, C–1
Programming, 6–1
Programming, Bit Image, 4–4
Protocol Modes, 2–2
PSET, 6–25
See also Multinational Character Sets
Plot, 1–5, C–1
Print, 1–4, C–1
R/S (Run/Stop) Switch, 2–8
Replacing the Ribbon, 2–12
Power, 10–1
Site, 10–2
Reset, Printer, 2–18, 6–56
Resistors, Alternate Terminating, 7–5
Replacement, 2–12
Specifications, C–4
Routine Service & Diagnostics, 8–1
RS–232 Serial Interface, 7–10
RUN/STOP (R/S) Switch, 2–8
Selecting Print Mode, 2–17
Self–Tests, 8–3
Serial Interface, RS–232, 7–10
Serial Matrix Bit Image Graphics, 4–1
Serial Matrix Vertical Formatting, 5–10