Folder and file naming, Folder and file naming -8 – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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April 28, 2004

Configuring your Camera

Folder and File Naming

You can choose how to number files and folders on the camera. You can
also specify the maximum number of changes allowed in a folder.
Continuous—Names are assigned in a continuous sequence and are not
reset to 0 when a new card is inserted.
Auto Restart—Names are reset to 0 when a new card is inserted.
Manual Restart—Names are reset to 0 on the current card or cards
when you press the OK button.
Folder Limit—When the specified folder limit has been reached, no
more images will be saved in a folder.

1. Choose Folder/File Name from the Tools menu, then highlight

Continuous, Auto Restart, Manual Reset, or Folder Limit.

2. If you chose Folder Limit, choose 100 or 10000.

3. Press the OK button.

NOTE: You can also create and name new folders.