Digital status lcd, Digital status lcd -13 – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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About Your Camera

April 28, 2004


Digital Status LCD

The Digital Status LCD provides the following information:

Capture-related status information: When the Image LCD is turned off,
or when you lightly press the Shutter button, the Digital Status LCD displays
capture-related information and provides shortcuts to associated menu
options on the Image LCD.
NOTE: The Digital Status LCD shown here appears when the camera is in

Advanced mode. In Basic mode only some of the information

Review-related status information: When the Image LCD is in Image
mode, the Digital Status LCD displays information about the selected image.

Helpful messages: As you perform operations, appropriate messages

Status information

Capture-related information - interactive
shortcuts to associated menu options on the
Image LCD

Review-related information

Helpful messages

Brief descriptions of highlighted menu options

Brief procedural instructions

White balance


Crop aspect ratio

Raw resolution
JPEG resolution

JPEG quality


CF Card

Estimated images
remaining on card

White balance
Current folder

Current image
Raw resolution
JPEG resolution