Auto review, Slide show, Auto review -9 slide show -9 – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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Working with Images on the Camera

April 28, 2004


Auto Review

When you enable the Auto Review feature, the Image LCD turns on when
you capture an image then displays the image for the amount of time you
specify. After the specified amount of time, the Image LCD turns off.
If you lightly press the Shutter button while the image is displayed, the
Image LCD turns off.
If you manipulate any digital buttons while the image is displayed, the
Image LCD stays on and the display changes appropriately.
NOTE: If the Image LCD is on when you capture an image, the Auto

Review feature has no effect.

1. Choose Auto Review from the Review menu, then highlight Off, 3 sec,

5 sec, or 10 sec.

2. Press the OK button.

Slide Show

You can run a slide show of camera images on the Image LCD and video
monitor, or just on the Image LCD.

1. Connect and enable external video if you want the slide show to

appear on a video monitor (see

page 12-1


2. Select the mode: choose Slide Show from the Review menu, then

highlight Off, Continuous Loop, or Single Show.

In Continuous Loop mode all specified images appear, then the
sequence is repeated until you press the Cancel button.

In Single Show mode, the slide show continues until all selected
images have appeared once or until you press the Cancel button.