Determining write speed, Determining write speed -8, For the most accurate write speed measurement -8 – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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April 28, 2004

Setting up Cards, Folders, and Files

Determining Write Speed

You can determine the speed at which your camera writes data to the CF
card. Write speeds are measured in Megabytes per second (Mbytes/sec).
NOTE: Write speed improves if you turn the Image LCD off when

capturing images.

For the Most Accurate Write
Speed Measurement

1. If an SD or MMC card is inserted, set the card to Standby and remove

the card.

2. Insert a CF card.

3. Select RAW file type.

4. Set the RAW resolution to 13.5.

5. Select Single Image review mode.

6. Turn off the Image LCD.

7. Capture one or more images.

8. Turn on the Image LCD and choose Write Speed from the Capture


The write speed for the last saved image appears.

NOTE: Repeat steps 6 - 8 at least 3 times and average the results as

readings can vary slightly.