Setting the baud rate, Global positioning system, Requirements for using the gps feature – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

Page 198: Setting the baud rate -4, Global positioning system -4, Requirements for using the gps feature -4

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April 28, 2004

Serial Data Collection and Global Positioning System

Setting the Baud Rate

Before transmitting data between the camera and a connected device, you
must set the baud rate required by the device.
NOTE: Follow the device manufacturer’s recommendations for baud rate.

1. Choose Serial Port from the Tools menu, then choose Baud Rate.

2. Select the required baud rate.

Global Positioning System

Your camera has a Global Positioning System (GPS) feature which receives
GPS data from a connected GPS unit and writes information about the
current camera location to the image header.

Requirements for Using
the GPS Feature

To use the GPS feature on your camera, you need the following:

• GPS unit that supports standard NMEA data transfer

• GPS serial cable (from vendor supplying GPS units)

• RS232 3.5 mm cable to connect to the camera