Capturing and evaluating test images, Capturing images – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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Capture Workflow

April 28, 2004


Capturing and Evaluating
Test Images

Before your photo session begins, and occasionally during a session, you
should capture and evaluate images to be sure that the lighting and camera
setup are producing the desired results.

Capturing Images

Set up any of the following, as needed:

• Vertical Release

• Intervalometer

• Job Tracker

• Self Timer

Press the Shutter button (or the Vertical Shutter button) to capture the

Image Attribute

DCS Pro SLR/c Tool

Suggested Action


Appearance of image on Image LCD

View images and interpret information from
the tool. Adjust camera settings (aperture,
shutter speed, ISO) and/or lighting.
Recapture image, if needed.

Histogram Image mode provides exposure
information about the overall image.

Luminometer provides exposure information
about a specific area of the image. It shows
the level of luminance channel saturation of
pixels below the crosshairs on the Image


Zoom Image mode

View the image at 1:1 and evaluate sharpness
and edge definition in high-contrast areas
(for example, eyes). Adjust lens focus and/or
check and adjust the depth of field.


Click Balance neutralizes color shifts in
subsequently captured images.

Repeat, as necessary, when lighting
conditions change.

Scene content and

Appearance of image on Image LCD

Look for undesirable details such as closed
eyes. Recapture image, if needed.

Zoom Image mode