File types, Choosing the file type to be written to a card – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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Setting up Cards, Folders, and Files

April 28, 2004


File Types

Your camera can save images as Raw or JPEG files.
Raw (.dcr) files can be opened by KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Photo
Desk. Raw images can be thought of as "digital negatives." They preserve all
image information so you can apply the DCS-specific image enhancements
available in DCS Photo Desk.
JPEG (.jpg) files are smaller and can be opened directly by any image
editing software. You can choose ERI (Extended Range Imaging) JPEG or
Standard JPEG.
NOTE: Repeated saves of any JPEG image can degrade image quality.

NOTE: No more than 2000 files, including hidden system files, can be

stored on memory cards inside the camera.

Choosing the File Type to
be Written to a Card

When you use one memory card, you can specify that captured images are
saved to the card as Raw, JPEG, or Raw+JPEG. (With Raw+JPEG, both file
types are written to the card.)
When you use two cards, you can specify that one card is standby or that
captured images are saved to both cards as Raw, JPEG, or Raw+JPEG.
When one card is set to standby, no images are written to that card until the
other card is full. When the other card is full, subsequently captured
images are written to the standby card using the same file type. When
neither card is standby, captured images are written to both cards. (You
can write different file types to two cards, for example, Raw to one card and
JPEG to the other.) You can also choose the JPEG file type.
The following table provides examples of some ways to set up file types:

CF Card


No redundancy





Multi-purpose redundancy



Complete redundancy


