Program auto exposure mode -8 – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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April 28, 2004

Controlling Exposure

Program Auto Exposure

In Program AE mode, the camera automatically selects an appropriate
combination of shutter speed and aperture values. The combination is
based on a variety of factors, including the selected Exposure Metering
mode, the brightness of the scene, and the ISO setting.

1. Rotate the D-Dial to the desired setting in the Drive area.

2. Set the Mode Selector lever to P.

3. Lightly press the Shutter button to verify the focus and exposure

display in the viewfinder.

If the subject is too bright or dark, both shutter speed and aperture
value indicators blink and will show the limit values. If you capture an
image with these settings, the image will be overexposed or

When the

blinks, the shutter speed is slow and the image can be

blurred. In this case, increase the ISO or use a flash.