Exposure compensation, Exposure compensation -17, Cancelling exposure compensation -17 – Kodak 6B8773 User Manual

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Controlling Exposure

April 28, 2004


Exposure Compensation

Use Exposure Compensation to intentionally overexpose or underexpose an

• Press and hold the Exposure Compensation button and turn the C-Dial

to set the desired compensation value.

The Top Status LCD shows

when you initially press the

Exposure Compensation button. A final setting of

indicates an

overexposure compensation, and a

indicates an underexposure


You can set Exposure Compensation in 1/3 EV increments from +3.0 to
-3.0 stops.
For example, if you are in the Aperture Priority AE mode and set Exposure
Compensation to +1.0, the shutter speed changes to one stop slower. In
Shutter Speed Priority AE mode, the aperture will be one stop larger
(smaller f-number). In Program AE mode, both the shutter speed and
aperture value changes add up to a +1.0 stop.
NOTE: You cannot use the Exposure Compensation function with Manual

Exposure mode.

Cancelling Exposure

Exposure Compensation remains in effect until you cancel it.

• Press and hold the Exposure Compensation button and turn the C-Dial


appears in the Top Status LCD.

NOTE: If you have an approved flash installed on the camera's Hot Shoe,

the Exposure Compensation setting affects the flash output. In
addition, the Exposure Compensation setting sums with a Flash
Exposure Compensation setup on the flash. For example, if
Exposure Compensation is set to +1.0 and Flash Exposure
Compensation is set to -.07, the total compensation is +0.3.

