Effects that can be used simultaneously, P.117, Reference – KORG XTENDED DEFINITION D32XD User Manual
Page 127

5. FinalEFF
Here you can select a program for the final effect. The
cells indicate the currently selected program number,
effect name, effect size, control icon (only if specified),
and on/off icon.
You cannot use a mono effect program for FinalEFF.
6. Navigation buttons
Use these to select parameters within the page.
7. Select
Choose the effect you want to use, and then press this
button to display the Select EFF Category dialog box.
Choose the desired category, and use the Select EFF Pro-
dialog box to select the effect that you want to use.
7a. Cancel
Returns to the “Routing A” tab page without selecting
a category.
7b. OK
After selecting an effect program, press this button to
confirm your selection and return to the “Routing A”
tab page.
7c. Cancel
Returns to the Select EFF Category dialog box.
8. On/Off
This is available only for a 96 kHz/24-bit song.
This button switches the currently selected (highlighted)
effect on/off. This will affect the amount of DSP Power
that is used. If there is sufficient DSP Power, effects that
are assigned but off will be turned on.
If there is insufficient DSP Power so that not all of the
assigned effects can be enabled simultaneously, you can
use this button to enable/disable effects without chang-
ing the effect assignment settings.
9. DSP Power indicator
This shows the DSP Power level. This will indicate 0% if
no DSP Power at all is being used, or 100% if all of the
DSP Power is being used.
The DSP Power is halved for a 96 kHz/24-bit song, so
watch this indicator and set 8. “On/Off” appropriately.
10.Restrct (Restructure)
This button frees up the DSP power of “dead effects” that
are in an unusable state due to their assignments. An
effect that is in an unusable state is indicated by the dead
icon “
Effects that can be used simultaneously
The effect programs used by the D32XD’s effects are classi-
fied as being different “sizes” according to the amount of
DSP processing power they consume.
Effect programs of a type for which you can use up to eight
of them as Routing A insert effects are called “size-one” ef-
fect programs. Relative to these, other effect programs are
“size-two” and others are “size-four.”
The size of an effect program is shown by the icon at the right
of the effect name.
One “size” corresponds to one of the on/off icons in each ef-
fect cell.
In the case of a 44.1 kHz/48 kHz song, a maximum of sixteen
“sizes” worth of effects can be used simultaneously.
In the case of a 96 kHz/24-bit song, a maximum of eight “siz-
es” worth of effects can be used simultaneously, due to the
increased amount of calculating power that must be con-
sumed for effect processing.
The available effect processing power for Routing A and B is inde-
pendent; for each of these, you can use “sixteen sizes worth” of ef-
fect programs.
Techniques for assigning effects
On the D32XD, effects assigned to the upper rows of effect
cells will be given higher priority for being turned on. This
means that depending on how programs are assigned, you
may need to use the Restrct button or the On/Off buttons to
make adjustments while watching the DSP Power indicator,
in order to make the best use of the available effects.
The priority order also applies to the groupings of Insert, Master,
and Final effect. For example if you assign a size-four program to
insert effect 7, this will occupy insert effects 7 and 8 and master
effect 1, meaning that you will not be able to assign a program to
master effect 1.
To cancel an effect, cancel its channel assignment, and also select
NO EFFECT as the effect.
Using the Restrct button
First assign a size-one effect to insert effect 1, and a size-
two effect to insert effect 2.
Next, let’s suppose that you assign a size-two program to
insert effect 1.
When you do so, insert effect 2 (whose priority is lower)
will be masked by effect 1; you will unable to turn insert
effect 2 off, and insert effect 3 will be unavailable.
In this state, insert effect 2 is a “dead effect.” The on/off
icon of the effect will change to the dead effect icon “
In this case you can press the Restrct button to release the
dead effect so that insert effect 3 will again be available,
and the wasted DSP power will be recovered.
Using the On/Off button
When assigning effects in a 96 kHz/24-bit song, the usa-
ble effect sizes will be halved, and will be On in order of
priority (starting from the effect cell in the top row).
However, the assignment data of effects that do not get
turned on will still be maintained.
If an effect that you actually what to use is turned off, you
can turn off one or more effects that are unintentionally
on in order to allocate the necessary size, and then turn
the desired effect on. When doing so, watch the DSP
Power indicator as you choose the effect(s) to turn on or