Shutter sound, Auto save, Reset settings – Sharp R520_CJ16_MM_111009_F4 User Manual

Page 86: Camcorder options

background image


• Landscape — Shows a wider, more panoramic view of the


• Portrait — Shows a narrower, more vertically-oriented view of the



Select the View Mode setting of your choice. You’re

returned to the camera viewfinder screen, which now

shows the selected view.

Shutter Sound

Choose from four different sounds whenever you take a picture.
Aside from being a cool sound effect, Shutter Sounds act as an
audible reminder that your camera has taken a picture.


In camera mode, press the Options soft key, then highlight

and select Shutter Sound. The following shutter

sounds appear in the display:

• Off

• Shutter1

• Shutter2

• Shutter3


Select the shutter sound setting of your choice. You’re

returned to the camera viewfinder screen.

Auto Save


In camera mode, press the Options soft key, then highlight

and select Auto Save. The following options appear in

the display:

• Off

• On


Select the automatic save setting of your choice. You’re

returned to the camera viewfinder screen.

Reset Settings

This option lets you reset the Camera’s settings to their factory
default values.

In camera mode, press the Options soft key, then highlight

and select Reset Settings. You are prompted to

confirm the reset.

To reset the Camera settings, select Yes.

To keep the current Camera settings, select No.

Camcorder Options

The Camcorder Options let you adjust the default camcorder
settings to suite available lighting, the subject of the video, or the
purpose of the video.