Samsung M6000 User Manual
Page 118

Samsung M6000 User’s Manual
Glossary 107
POST stands for power-on self-test. POST is a test performed by
the computer whenever you turn on the power. POST checks
system integrity.
RAM (random access memory)
The computer's system memory, including conventional and
extended memory. You can write to and read from RAM.
Information stored in RAM is temporary, and is erased when the
system is turned off.
Refresh rate
The refresh rate is the rate at which the image on the LCD screen
is rewritten to the screen. A fast refresh rate helps keep the image
from flickering.
The resolution is the sharpness or clarity of the image on your
LCD screen. Resolution is measured by the number of pixels the
computer’s screen can display. For example, a resolution of
800x600 means that the screen can display 800 pixels in row and
can display 600 rows. The more pixels displayed, the higher the
resolution and the better the image.
ROM (read-only memory)
Permanent computer memory dedicated to a particular function.
For example, the instructions for starting the computer when you
first turn on power are contained in ROM. You cannot write to
ROM. (ROM is not the same as RAM).
Also known as disk sector. The portion of a track that is numbered
and can hold a specified number of characters (usually 512 KB).
Shadow RAM
A write-protected area of RAM that contains a copy of the BIOS.
As the computer boots, the BIOS is copied from its permanent
location in ROM to RAM. The BIOS can be executed much faster
in RAM than in ROM. The BIOS remains in shadow RAM until
you turn off the computer.