Genicom GEK 00031B User Manual
Page 222

Chapter 8. PPL3 Plus Emulation
Error Handling
If the Pn parameter is greater than the maximum size for the paper
and origin, then the printer sets the form length to the maximum size
for the paper and origin
Notes to Software
Use DECSLPP only at the top of a new page.
Set Left and Right Margins: Sets the horizontal margins.
Source: Application
Destination: Levels 2, 3
CSI Pn1 Pn2 s
Pn1 is a decimal value that specifies the left margin position.
Leave margin unchanged.
Set left margin to n units.
The unit for Pn1 and Pn2 is selected using the Positioning Unit Mode
(PUM) and Select Size Unit (SSU) commands.
The printer places data only within the left and right margins, with
the following exceptions:
Draw Vector (DECVEC) and Draw Relative Vector (DECRVEC)
draw lines outside the margins.
During justification, if the required spacing between words is less
than the specified minimum width of the space character, text
may exceed the right margin.
If margins are less than one Horizontal Advance Increment (HAI)
apart, text may exceed the right margin.
The printer sets the margins relative to the page origin, as set by
Origin Placement Mode (DECOPM). Changing the page origin causes
the margins to move.
Changing right and left margins does not affect horizontal tab stops.
Active position is only affected if it is outside the new margins. See
Error Handling.
Select Horizontal Pitch (DECSHORP), Page Format Select (PFS),
Variable Page Format Select (DECVPFS), and the reset commands
affect margin settings.
Side Effects
DECSLRM sets the Line Home Position equal to the Left Margin
Position and the Line End Position equal to the Right Margin
DECSLRM affects justification. See Justify (JFY).